Monday, December 17, 2012

Triumph over Tragedy

Today's class was a very somber one. After watching the news all weekend long, I know I, as I'm sure all of you, feel sympathy in your hearts for the community of Newtown, CT. I, and the rest of the faculty at RHS want to assure you that you ARE safe at RHS. Today, the entire faculty went over procedures and protocols about what to do in times of distress. I hope you all feel safe coming to school, because I know I do with the added security measures the school has prepared in order to enforce school security policies. Also, I hope you realize how seriously I take my job when I say my first and only priority when it comes to an alarm is your safety. I, and the rest of your teachers and administrators, are well-prepared to handle each and every situation.

With that being said, thank you for taking the time to freewrite about this experience. I know it isn't easy, and I know it's difficult talking about such an emotional issue. As a writer, I feel writing is a very cleansing experience and enables you to think through the issue. I hope this helped many of you process what happened in CT and figure out a better way to understand this awful tragedy.

The rest of the period was yours to work on your group projects. Remember, this is worth TWO test grades. Please utilize the time you have in class and get together as often as you can outside of class in order to get this done. The more creative you are, the better. Look once more at the rubrics I handed out today in class in order to get a better look at what "ingredients" are the most important and count for the most points.

You will not have as much time in class from here on out. Project is due Thursday!

Get working!

--Research Paper Info
--Group Project

--Group Project!

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