Today you presented your group projects. I must say, I was incredibly impressed with some groups' presentations. I could really see the effort that some groups put into their costumes, performances, and context. Some of you could have used some more organization and effort. Performances lacked the vigor and spice that was needed for that extra spectacular performance and overall creativity points.
For the rest of the class period (as well as tomorrow's class) we'll be taking the next step towards our research paper. Now that you've found the main idea of each article (whether the article viewed social networking as a positive or negative thing), it's time to decide which side you will be arguing for. Are you for social media? Or are you against social media?
Once you decide, it's time to start pulling evidence. You need to pull three quotes from EACH source that defends your stance.
Here are the articles as they stand:
Source A--Negative
Source B--Positive
Source C--Negative
Source D--Negative
Source E--Positive
Source F--Positive
So, if you are arguing that social media is POSITIVE, you will ONLY be using Sources B, E, and F. However, if you are arguing that social media is NEGATIVE, you will ONLY be using Sources A, C, and D. Then, you must find three quotes to completely and fully support your stance. If you're stuck on which quote to pick, read the quote. If the quote answers questions 4 and 5 on the front side of your sheet, it will be a successful quote. If it successfully explains WHY social networking is a positive/negative thing or what is the EFFECT of this social networking as a positive/negative thing, then you have a great quote.
Again, run your quotes by me and Mr. Hannah if you're still unsure.
--Group Analysis
--Group Project Presentations
--Quote/Evidence Search
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