Friday, November 9, 2012

Strange Fruit

Today we had a lot on our plate. DEAR time went well. I'm impressed to see that most of you are coming close to finishing whatever book you've been reading. I'm thinking of making a space in the classroom for a Bestseller List. The idea would be that whenever you read a really great book, you let me know, and I'll post it up to share with everyone. That way, should someone want to pick up a really great book, all they have to do is check out the list. Comments?

After grading the quizzes, I'm finally seeing some progression since we first started our grammar weeks. However, the biggest area of weakness for all of you is corecting those error-filled sentences. I'm still trying to figure out why you're able to correctly circle which word fits best in a written sentence, but then can't identify an error when you see one. Perhaps you guys just need more practice in this area. I'll come up with some more Do Nows so we can practice.

The TKAM Reading Questions at the end of Chapter 15 were relatively simple, I think. Most of the answers we tackled in class while going over the text. Atticus is a tough cookie, but Scout and Jem came to the rescue. Scout's innocent talking had the mob realize their own humanity. Atticus also realized that Jem is willing to risk his life for Atticus. What dad wouldn't be proud to know their son would do that for them?

The rest of the class was devoted to this discussion about prejudice. After listening to Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit" (video left), it's obvious what her message was--stop lynching. I'm impressed that many of you were able to figure out that the fruit weren't fruit at all, but black bodies hanging from trees. Her incredible sensory imagery gives us a grotesque picture of the cruelty of whites against blacks in the South during the 1930's. How does this relate to TKAM? Had Atticus not sat outside Tom Robinson's jail cell, what would have happened to him? More than likely, Tom would have been lynched.

Bottom line--have we progressed since then? Is 2012 much different than 1930? In some cases, we have progressed as a people. We have an African American president who just got re-elected into office. But what of our mentality against one another? After watching the Black Doll White Doll Experiment (video right), it's blatantly clear that prejudice still exists. The question now is whether or not prejudice is engrained in us. Our Essential Question for TKAM is more important now than ever--How can people overcome prejudice?

In reading the trial next week, keep an open mind.

Here are our list of actors for Tuesday in case you forgot.

Gilmer: Meliza, Adanna, Antonio
Tate: Dennis, Ivan, Anthony
Judge: Fatima, Marty, Alyssa
Atticus: James F., Andy, Marisela
Bob: Alex, Gianni, Eduardo

Happy reading and have a safe long weekend! And remember to honor your veterans!

--Grammar Quiz
--TKAM Reading Questions
--"Strange Fruit"
--Black Doll White Doll Experiment

--Read/annotate/answer the questions to Chapter 17. Actors must know their parts well!

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