Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sweeeeet Caroline (buh! buh! buh!)

Be grateful today was a half day. Had it been a regular day with our usual block schedule, we would have used the time to continue our reading of TKAM. For those of you who fully took advantage of the time to work on your Miss Caroline project (i.e. asking me or Mr. Hannah to look over it, peer editing, proofreading), I hope you can do a better job of finalizing your short stories tonight.

Remember, though there are 12 "ingredients" that you MUST have in your short story, Mr. Hannah and I will be grading you on creativity, and of course, your grammar and punctuation.

Happy writing!

And don't forget about your possessives quiz tomorrow!

*NOTE: If you plan on printing from the Learning Commons tomorrow, you must do so BEFORE your advisory. I would advise arriving to school around 7:30 AM, which would allow plenty of time to print and give you some room in case any unexpected problems arise.

--Correct Possessives Worksheet
--Work on Miss Caroline Project

--Finish Miss Caroline Project
--Study for Possessives Quiz

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