Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pop! Pop!

I was glad to see that a lot of you are now fully enjoying DEAR time. I saw a wide selection of literature and was impressed. Remember, keep up the reading at home.

As for the pop quiz, remember, READ THE DIRECTIONS. Haven't we learned this lesson by now? Had you read the directions, you would have answered 5 out of the 6 you felt most comfortable with, then answered the sixth for extra credit. We went over the answers in class, but if you're still confused by something, please see me or Mr. Hannah for extra help. We don't want you falling behind.

Happy reading!

See you tomorrow.


--Quizlet Do Now
--Pop Quiz on TKAM Chapter 3
--Go over Chapter 3

--Finish reading and annotating Chapter 3 and answer the reading questions
--Possessive nouns worksheet
--Continue working on Miss Caroline Project (DUE: FRIDAY)

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